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Discussion => Shipping => Topic started by: Burning Babylon on June 20, 2013, 12:41 pm

Title: Internal Stealth Packaging
Post by: Burning Babylon on June 20, 2013, 12:41 pm
The purpose of this thread is to go into some conceptual ways of doing Internal Stealth Packaging and be a complement to my thread Wrapping Techniques: dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=173129.msg1243537 Now I can anticipate quite a few users are going to come out of the woodwork and say this is a horrible idea, revealing vendor secrets and so on. So I'll start off with two rules for this thread that me and others have to adhere to:

* Any conceptual packaging can't be linked to any vendor here on Silk Road.
* External Stealth Packaging about appearance of envelopes/parcels will not be discussed as it's out of the scope of this specific thread.

There are currently 249 Mailing Regions in the world, for more information on that see my thread Mail Systems around the World: dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=172854.msg1240491 Almost every region has their own customs and intelligence and very little is shared between different regions except for the major ones, and I can guarantee they've already seen every single stealth packaging I'm going to describe later in this thread. While profiling occurs for External Packaging ( to see how they do it in the US, see ) there is no way of profiling Internal Packaging if there's no smell involved or the country in question has already been profiled, for an example on that see my thread Customs wreck Lego collector's Star Wars model: dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=173833.msg1249579 This thread will assume the customs for any country operate on the following foundation:

* Customs will be hesitant to break open legit looking retail packaging as they might be liable for damages caused.
* Customs will if they open a package weigh any retail package and see if it matches the described number on the packaging.
* Customs will have an exponentially higher risk of opening any package based on how large and heavy it is.
* Customs might open any envelope/parcel randomly, regardless if a dog has marked it or not.
* Customs might keep a log of ways used to conceal drugs, will only be useful if the package is opened by a skillful customs operator.
* Customs might X-ray a package randomly, my solution to this conceptually is in my thread Drug Imitation Materials: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=173839.msg1249601
Title: Re: Internal Stealth Packaging
Post by: Burning Babylon on June 20, 2013, 12:42 pm
I won't include any attributes specifically for this section as it's all conceptual and there's quite a lot of freedom to modify as seen fit.

* Spices

Sweden has a large brand of Spices under the name "Santa Maria" with plenty of variations in both packaging and contents, from my six favorite types of packaging are the following:!/citronsyra/!/chili-con-carne/!/gloggkryddor/!/kanel-hel/!/ingefara-hel/!/muskotnot-hel/

Swedish chips producer OLW has some similar looking packages for their dips, two examples:

The multinational brand Knorr has some interesting box-type packages as can be seen on: they are constructed of cardboard and if one opens the package they can't be closed properly any longer.

The obvious problem here would be getting hold on machinery that is capable of creating these types of packaging. Duplicating the design on the packages is a secondary issue but most likely a much easier one to solve. As for hiding the product itself it would be done with a MBB inside the bag or package with such a form it would not feel suspicious if felt from the outside. Some of these products can be bought online from: They are also available in almost all food stores in Sweden.

* Candy with Layers

While any candy package in general is decent stealth, some have the potential to take it to the next step. The best example of such a product is the Kinder Egg: which has a layer of chocolate before a plastic container which has a toy inside it. The only problem beyond manufacturing something of this type is its been illegal in the US for quite some time:

* Encasing with Wax

Products fully encased in Wax will if done properly keep a vacuum for extended periods of time and create a dilemma for customs if they want to cut into it or not. If the product itself is sold in actual Wax Packaging with the product encased in the center this should make it even harder.

* Duplicating Blu-ray/DVD Cases

In order to obtain a legit looking cover one will need to download and print them first, the best sites to do this are:

Keep in mind these sites will log what covers you're downloading and link your profile to that specific cover, so one should take some care into making sure the download of the cover itself can't be tracked back to you.

Now the second step would be to wrap the Blu-ray/DVD Case into plastic, I've detailed one way of doing this in my thread Wrapping Techniques: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=173129.msg1243539#msg1243539 Having the extra added step of a layer of plastic will make it significantly safer compared to without, another safety layer would be adding a custom invoice for the Blu-ray/DVD product in question.


As an epilogue of sorts if someone still thinks this is the wrong way to go about things, I feel people are approaching this subject in the wrong way. Keeping shut about packaging for specific vendors makes a lot of sense as they could easily be profiled, but keeping a lid on for everything would be the equivalent of all customs agencies in the whole world being separate agencies and having no co-operation at all between them which is not the case currently. The strength of government institutions like a customs agency is their ability to keep information suppressed or classified, I don't see the reason why we should operate in the same way without having any of the benefits they have as an institution. If it turns out I'm the only one who is willing to post any conceptual Internal Shipping Stealth, so be it.  :P
Title: Re: Internal Stealth Packaging
Post by: zookaa on June 20, 2013, 01:38 pm
Interesting, will keep an eye here :)
Title: Re: Internal Stealth Packaging
Post by: Joosy on June 20, 2013, 03:48 pm

You are right, this is a bad idea.
Title: Re: Internal Stealth Packaging
Post by: jackofspades on June 20, 2013, 03:53 pm

You are right, this is a bad idea.

dear LEO

I have placed drugs inside the barrel of each of your service weapons and the only way to access them is to look directly into the barrel for them and pull the 'secret' lever disguised as the guns trigger. Make sure the gun is loaded or else the evidence will self destruct.
Title: Re: Internal Stealth Packaging
Post by: Burning Babylon on June 20, 2013, 04:37 pm

You are right, this is a bad idea.

By this logic, assuming I'm interpreting you correctly: Every method mentioned in this thread will automatically be searched by LE/Customs automatically with no regard if the product could actually be legit. Now granted this "could" happen and if it does we'll see plenty of articles the coming months of people who are getting their legal Blu-rays/DVD-cases opened and their food orders seized for long amounts of time, because no matter how many drugs are getting sent I can assure you more than 90 % of them will be legit. Time will tell.  :)

dear LEO

I have placed drugs inside the barrel of each of your service weapons and the only way to access them is to look directly into the barrel for them and pull the 'secret' lever disguised as the guns trigger. Make sure the gun is loaded or else the evidence will self destruct.

While most likely meant as a joke there's nothing preventing doing something similar to this, although it would probably be more illegal than the drugs themselves. Include a metallic container with a small subsection with a corrosive acid which gets released until the container is opened in a very specific manner unbeknownst to anyone but the recipient. Now chances are the customers will do it wrongly even with very specific instructions and get a big hole in their desks or something so it's probably not worth exploring that idea that much.  ;D
Now I forgot to mention a few methods which I had already written up, so here it goes:

* Hollowing out Objects

Any book or magazine which is thick enough could be hollowed out, to see an example on how someone does it:

Another type of object could be various types of batteries, the best type would probably be AA or AAA: A small MBB would fit in each one. This would probably require some metalworking equipment and knowledge as it's probably not safe to mess around with batteries without knowing what one is doing.

* Laminating

Lamination is a process which can be used to for example put a plastic layer on top of a painting. If one includes a MBB inside the painting and put a laminate layer over it it would not be noticeable by touch if there's anything inside the painting. Lamination is mostly used for ID cards and such otherwise.

* Mixing Product into Objects

Although this is not a dog proof solution if they open all layers it would be X-ray proof. It's been done before and failed due to the fact no MBB were involved:

* Protein Powder

According to Protein Powder is one of the most commonly sent items to American troops in so called "care packages". The added benefit of this many Protein Powder packages already contain powder to begin with and their structure is very similar to a MBB. For some images on how these packages/bottles look in general, see these two Swedish training vendor links: /
Title: Re: Internal Stealth Packaging
Post by: Tessellated on June 26, 2013, 10:53 pm
Before I use a stealth method I search the internet for stealth methods to make sure I cannot find it. Now there are several others on the internet that I won't use.
Title: Re: Internal Stealth Packaging
Post by: Burning Babylon on June 27, 2013, 12:20 am
Before I use a stealth method I search the internet for stealth methods to make sure I cannot find it. Now there are several others on the internet that I won't use.

Then I'll make it my personal challenge to keep writing methods so eventually you won't find anything without using something from this thread.  :)

* Security Bags

Security Bags which are often black or white have a couple of variations depending on what the purpose of them are. For the opaque variants the purpose is simply to create a visual barrier and forcing the Customs Agency to rip it open if they want to access the contents, as it's impossible to reseal a Security Bag after it's been opened. Some security bags, most notably those used for transporting cash are translucent but still provide the same protection in terms of getting Customs reluctant to open it as the bag can't be resealed.

For an example on the type of Security Bags they use in Sweden for moving cash around: notice how it includes a serial number.
From the same store here's an example on a hybrid version which could both be used as packaging and also as a parcel in itself:

The black and white types which are opaque can easily be found on Amazon by searching for: Postal Bags

* Folding Carton

A shape which starts out flat which is user assembled into a box shape, the idea is the package will look and feel normal on the outside and if its opened up it will most likely have a fake graphic of some sort or just obscured by a layer of Moisture Barrier Bag - some Customs will rip it open regardless while others won't.

* Embedding Product into the Package

This is a method tried in Colombia where they include layers of drug inside the cardboard, if one were to modify this slightly to include a Moisture Barrier Bag inside this method might be more successful. As this method itself is fairly lackluster I'll include compressing cardboard sides into small envelopes so it gets a more consistent feel. Somewhat similar to "Mixing Product into Objects", but since it doesn't create a new shape which is the product it's a different method. Some other examples of embedding which in this case is done into foam can be seen here:

* Hiding in Plain View

Now this is a fairly open-ended description but what I mean is let's say you include ten printed photographs of a very awkward nature (I'm sure people can come up with ideas  ;)) combining for example embedding at the same time. The moment they find the object they're looking for which is the substance in the mail, they're very likely to stop looking any further. This would obviously be coupled with External Stealth Packaging: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=175305.msg1258714 with in this case some kind of photo printing company - basically couple the type of product that is Hiding in Full View to match the look of the package.
Title: Re: Internal Stealth Packaging
Post by: oldtoby on June 29, 2013, 03:21 am
Yeah, less keen on the "Try hiding it in Brand X product specifically!" and more keen on the tips on *types* of internal stealth.

I would stick to the principle of no discussion on this topic except that the piss poor quality of internal stealth across much of the Road means that conversations like this need to be had.

To the topic - may I suggest a conceptual distinction not yet discussed:

A: camouflaged for the thinking inspector - complete and consistent disguise AND something that someone would conceivably order by mail
B: camouflaged for the dullard - hidden from view but disguise/package makes NO SENSE if the inspector takes the slightest moment to wonder why someone would send something like this through the mail.

A is, if I didn't telegraph my point too strongly, superior to B. Either is superior to C, which is "no disguise - anyone up for Russian roulette?" But if you're a vendor who's already putting in enough effort to reach B, why not put a little more thought into it and go for A?
Title: Re: Internal Stealth Packaging
Post by: flashlight5 on July 01, 2013, 10:15 am
isn't it very dangerous to use foodpackaging ?!

if the vendor is using a real (not his real of course, but a real) return address, the package could be returned to that address. or for whatever reason will get in the hands of a third party.

there is a chance that that food than will be eaten. that could end very very bad. parents might leave it lying around because they dont know what to do with it. kids might eat it.

some courts will rule that as murder. 20 y for ordering an eightball of coke... think again
Title: Re: Internal Stealth Packaging
Post by: Burning Babylon on July 07, 2013, 11:56 am
A: camouflaged for the thinking inspector - complete and consistent disguise AND something that someone would conceivably order by mail
B: camouflaged for the dullard - hidden from view but disguise/package makes NO SENSE if the inspector takes the slightest moment to wonder why someone would send something like this through the mail.

A is, if I didn't telegraph my point too strongly, superior to B. Either is superior to C, which is "no disguise - anyone up for Russian roulette?" But if you're a vendor who's already putting in enough effort to reach B, why not put a little more thought into it and go for A?

Any common method gets shared between the major Customs Agencies either way so they have no way of profiling anything beyond on how they educate their Customs Operators and how many packages they open up. Anyone sending a normal letter is already blending in with the majority of mail sent so the security is largely up to the circumstances of where its being sent from and from where. I partly see your point for bigger objects but either they're going to closely inspect the package or not, the only way of improving it is to make the process as time consuming as possible. It's possible I'm wrong on this point though and that they skim through opened packages very quickly and just go on to another one if it takes too much times without finding anything but that sounds like a weird way to operate.

Your distinction system is valid in its points but in the end its the Customs Operator who decides what's suspect or not and they might find a DVD of Japanese Porn less suspect than something really well hidden.

isn't it very dangerous to use foodpackaging ?!

if the vendor is using a real (not his real of course, but a real) return address, the package could be returned to that address. or for whatever reason will get in the hands of a third party.

there is a chance that that food than will be eaten. that could end very very bad. parents might leave it lying around because they dont know what to do with it. kids might eat it.

some courts will rule that as murder. 20 y for ordering an eightball of coke... think again

If the drugs are concealed versus them being in a container proclaiming to be something else would make little difference if any kid would open up the letter and ingest whatever is there. Maybe it would be better if the package is marked as "Dangerous Drugs, you might die if you ingest too much" ?  :P

The only scenario where your point would be valid is if the object is imitating something that might appeal to children, like candy or some kind of cookie in a matching container. Even then, who would ingest random objects sent by strangers? That alone would be grounds for a Darwin Award:


Time for some new methods, I'm going to include a few for larger types of objects as I find the concept interesting even though I most likely will never have the capability to use them:

* Segmenting

Large objects like wine bottles are ideal for creating some kind of segmented area where one could hide a MBB if one is skilled enough to modify glass or one could just dump it through the entrance and instruct the customer to break it open upon on arriving. Obviously the bottle itself would require a graphic which covers the entire bottle or has a very opaque fluid. Some good examples on bottles which has this type of graphics are Lerele Sangria, Fresita Wine, La Rose Célébration Burti and Freixenet Cordon Negro Brut. Other shapes that could be useful for this purpose is Car Lamps, Small Mirrors, Cigarette Packages and Lotion Containers.

* Magazines

This partly falls under the category "Hiding in Plain View" but the reason I want to have it as a separate category apart from example "Hollowing out Objects" there's so many legit Magazines to use for this endeavor, for some examples on free ones see my thread Postal Spam - Where and How?: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=178446.0 An interesting side perspective on this point is for example Porn Magazines sometimes including a DVD case in the plastic encasing the Magazine, another good example is Monster High Magazine which will often include various small objects in its packaging.

* Encasing with Chocolate

Similar to encasing with Wax, except it's done with Chocolate instead and at the center there's a very thin MBB including the real product. The problems with this solution is to come up with a believable looking graphic and chocolate. The chocolate will have problems with melting on long journeys so one should consider adding a separate layer or container packaging to prevent this. I don't see Customs opening up a package up to the point where they can see the Chocolate and then proceeding as there would be multiple articles on people complaining getting their chocolates totally wrecked by Customs - unless its been x-rayed in advance of course. The best types of chocolates to use as a template according to me would be any type of chocolate which has a very country-specific branding, some good examples include the companies Alprose, Frey, Lindt and Marabou.

* Encasing with Clay

Similar to both encasing with Wax and Chocolate, except it's done with Clay instead and as with the Chocolate a thin MBB including the real product is at the center. With a proper container capable of withstanding some pressure one could encase it inside any shape and the only way of reaching it would be to break the object. For a more simplistic variant one could use Model Clay and simply form it around the MBB, this would have some shock absorbing effects as well.

* Sensory Overload

This method means one is including so many objects the Customs Operator will either give up or waste a significant amount of time to uncover the product. The best example of this type of packages is by the company Lego, more in depth can be seen at this link: The drawbacks of this method is when its been x-rayed its almost guaranteed to be inspected to some degree, the only question is if it will be opened shortly or if they will inspect every single object vigorously. For a concrete example of the former possibly happening see my thread Customs wreck Lego collector's Star Wars model: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=173833.msg1249579

* Containers

Another very open ended description but essentially what I've described in my thread Wrapping Techniques: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=173129.msg1243537 Some examples include Glass Vials which can be fitted with graphics for example Candy Coloring, Plastic Card Boxes, product packaging like for a cellphon, a plush toy which has electronics inside it for making sounds and finally board books which generally has objects inside the book jump out when those pages are opened. This is essentially the equivalent to trying to blend in with normal business letters, except for larger sizes.

I might make an attempt at a later date to categorize the types of methods to become more standardized but for now it's just a random list of random methods.  :P